Original Research Article
Online Advertisement and Purchase Intentions of Sports Equipment’s
Dr. Rajeev Choudhary , Dr. Archi Dubey and Dr. Dipti Baghel
pp 31-37
The objective of this paper is to identify the relationship between online advertisement and purchase intentions of consumers of sports equipments in Raipur City. Online advertisement has been considered as independent variable whereas, purchase intentions was considered as dependent variable. Six antecedents of online advertisement have been considered in this study, viz. informativeness, interactivity, entertainment, credibility, irritation, and accessibility. A survey-based exploratory and correlational research design was used. The data was collected from 101 customers using sports equipment of various telecom brands through structured questionnaires. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the causal relationship between both the independent & dependent variables. Results depicted that the credibility, interactivity and irritation have significant and positive impact on purchase
A Study of Sports Competitive Anxiety of Senior National Women Hockey Players
Dr. Ramesh Chand Yadav, Pallavi Rai
pp 38-42
Relationship of Body Composition with Academic Achievements Among School Children
Vaibhav Rana, Aruna Sirohi
pp 43-46
Anthropometric and Proportionality Profile of Elite Indian Women Football Players
Dr Pravin Kumar
pp 52-59
During last decade, various studies have shown the importance of morphological parameters in sports perfor- mance. Objectives: The present research investigation was undertaken to study the anthropometric profile and body proportionality of elite Indian women Football playersas well as to determine the variation in playersac- cording to their playing position. Methods: The data for present cross-sectional study were collected on 64 elite female Football players out of whom 28 were international and 36 were national players who won top four po- sitions at senior national level. They were ranging in age from 21.5 to 27yrs.They were further divided into Forwards(n=28),Midfielders(n=16),fullbacks(n=12)and Goalkeepers(n=8).Various anthropometric measurements were taken using standard anthropometric equipments and by following standard techniques. Body proportions were calculated from anthropometric measurements. Results: The findings of the study show that women Football players are heavier than universal phantom. They resemble with universal phantom in sitting height,upperarm and calf girths. However, the differences in body morphology and body proportions were found to be statistically insignificant among different positional groups. Discussion: The trend in team games is to improve the respon- sibilities of players.
Biomechanical Analysis of the Lay-Up Shot in Basketball: Joint Angles and Center of Gravity
Ranjan Chakravarty
pp 60-64
This research examines the biomechanical aspects of the lay-up shot in basketball, concentrating on joint angles and centre of gravity during ball release. Ten male right-handed basketball players, ages 18 to 22, were examined. The results revealed no significant link between joint angles and performance, with correlation coefficients (e.g., left hip r = 0.622, right ankle r = -0.126) below the threshold value (0.632). The centre of gravity correlation (r = -0.167) was similarly statistically insignificant. These studies suggest that lay-up performance may be dependent on ability, technique, and psychological aspects rather than only biomechanics.
Biomechanics, lay-up shot, joint angles, centre of gravity, and basketball performance.